I did not talk about the first mare's integration into the group mostly because it was the most boring affair we've seen here. We were quite relieved to see her very politely give Bill time and space to get used to her. She's very contently accepting last place in our little group of four. Oh, and she's not preggo... there was some debate about that for a while but a vet check cleared it up! Whew.
This not-so-little blondie walked right off her prior property 1/2 mile down the road like she'd done it a zillion times before and calmly walked up our driveway. We turned her loose in the arena and you could almost see the exclamation point on her forehead. She LOVED the soft footing and spent a good 15 minutes testing it out at all three gaits, even going for a luxurious roll. I've never seen such relaxed, gleeful play in the sand! She was very interested in the other personalities in the pasture, but not worried or agitated in any way. This 8 year old mare is very confident but entirely friendly. I really like her. She even walked up to within 10 feet of the hubby busily chain-sawing at one end of the arena. ?!?
She hadn't been ridden in well over a year and was safe to hop on and put through all three gaits! It was super hot out today, so actual riding time was about 30 mins. Got a little humpy twice but quickly responded to proactive riding and did not actually buck. For all her bulk, this girl floats on air! (Hope it's okay to post your pic, Whit!)

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