Thought I'd share shots of who Max hangs with all day...
Bill, my hubby's Percheron/Thoroughbred cross is about 16 years old and a PMU product. He's had a very busy life, training and competing up to 3rd level dressage. I imagine he became quite sour about the show life and/or had simply reached his own competition ceiling and was retired. Piecing things together, he then came to reside with some good 'ol boys, chasing cows & horses (moving herds) and doing trail work. He's a fantastic all-rounder who LOVES my hubby's point & ride style. No fussy micro-riding for him, thank you very much. Having been raised with a firm hand, if you don't present it when he asks for it he won't respect you. Wave a stick at him and he'll do anything. This horse will always have a home here. We can put the tiniest child on his back one minute and an old pro the next. This boy can canter on the spot (drool). His ONE hang-up: horse-drawn sleighs with bells.

Scotch (Echos HotScotch Man) is an 8 year old registered paint gelding. He was my 'rescue' case, so-to-speak. Not sure exaclty what happened during his first 5 years, but even my farrier thought he was a 2 year old when I first got him. I've spent the last 3 years working and playing with this engaging boy and he's come a long way. Somewhere along the line, his little brain was fractured by someone (I HOPE he wasn't born this fearful) and he really needs to trust his person to be happy. He's an extremely sweet and honest goofball who always wants to hang out and get into stuff. While Scotch would like to be lazy, he's much too senstive to be a slug. He's been so much fun for me and I can see a huge difference in his maturity - both physically and mentally, but he has a long way to go before he'll be safe to have around a toddler, if he ever will be. Hence the introduction of Max. I'm relieved to have Max here while faced with the proposition of finding Scotch the right home. He's been an exceptional buddy and I will be so sad to see him go.

Those are our boys! I'm surrounded by boys, in case you were wondering... horses, dogs, hubby... even had a son. Good thing they're all fabulous specimens!!
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