
Well, OK... 1/2 Norse. He's a Quarter Horse/Norwegian Fjord cross.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Dynamic Duo

It would seem I'm getting the hang of this new layout, after all.

First, the class I won 3rd place in, cause I'm still just so darned excited! The pics aren't good, being taken off video from too far away, but they get the atmosphere across, I think.

Waiting our turn and checking our number (101) - such childish nonsense we remember from our first endeavours!

The last second of our ride, having walked, sitting trot, posting trot - right diagonal, canter, posting trot - left diagonal, stop, and back. I turned to look at the judge before waving to my 3 year old son hollering "Way to go Mom!" before departing the arena. I was proud of our backing, even if I did have to repair our direction, he kept his head low and accepting of the request - woot!

Just showin off the gorgeous hunter braid my show buddy did for me. I think it's a good look for the Mostus.

Next, Western Pleasure. Our entry was a joke but I love the pics I was able to snag off the video, so have to share! 

I was so proud of how my boy did, even if I kept us out of placing.

He nailed every lope from walk departure and proceeded calmly around the other horses (not so in English Pleaure - lol! Those beasties amped him RIGHT up!).

And just cause he's so stunning... I just can't get over how much I ADORE this boy!

In other horsey news, I've been an arena rock-pickin fool... everywhere but at home, trail riding has consisted of everything from road riding to traversing the great wilds of Anola to puttering around in our own humble local quarry waters.

On the list for the summer, I'd like to pony Scout out for some trail exposure, we're all entering a few more local shows, I'm hoping to hog in on a ladies' overnight ride and Patrick and I are still hoping to get more than one camping trip in this year. Regardless of how the last effort pans out, we WILL be making our annual fall ride & camp out at Falcon Lake.

Hope everyone's having as much fun this summer as we are!

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