Nope. No falling off. Just some bareback puttering around in the yard. Ecstatic to hop on both my dunderhead and the hubby's push-button gelding. SO much easier to ride that horse!!
Maximus has been treated to two tune-up rides by the hubby. He's so fantastic about riding outside the box, challenging the psyche of the horse as well as the physical... and not necessarily because he's looking to push bottons or train. Just because he enjoys going for a RIDE. This entire effort on the cowboy's behalf was triggered by Maximost taking a friend for a couple of un-called-for rowdy rides. I'll tell you, that boy follows the hubby around like a puppy dog once the ride is over! He LOVES it just as much, the brat.
I'm ready to finally start some good riding, myself. Did quite a bit of sitting trot today without a hitch or twitch. Dismounting is still interesting... did I mention that I've since broken three toes in my left foot? Giddy up. Finally start feeling well enough to tussle with the boys a little and wind up taking out my foot.
The (tentative) plan is to ride Cadilac Bill for a few rides then get back into the groove with Max once I get my core strength back. But I just may huck that out the window and load Max on the trailer. Bill for the trail and Max for the arena. I plan to take things back a notch with Max, working on transitions up, down, up, down, up, down until we're both speaking the same language. Patrick (hubby) describes Max's efforts like driving a standard without a clutch. Very apt description. I'm also going to finally nail down neck reining. There is NO reason for us to have NOT mastered that yet.
Don't know how much riding I can fit into my current schedule, but I'm game to get as much as I can in.
Also discovered Zumba. Shake it, ladies!!!