
Well, OK... 1/2 Norse. He's a Quarter Horse/Norwegian Fjord cross.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Down and OUT

Had a slight whoopsie on the 23rd... I think the bloody cat barreled INTO Maximus' front legs, without him or myself catching a glimpse of it. Other riders in our group did see a long-tailed black blur and every horse jumped a mile. Only Max pulled the ol' Whirl n' Buck before I could even process that we were off our intended path. He deposited my stunned self directly onto the cement-like gravel road we'd only just a blink before been walking beside and continued his bucking antics around the then snoozing group, of course coming to settle back in the very grassy ditch we left to munch. I'd much rather have been left behind in said bed o' grasses, bristles and thistles, thank you very much.

The meeting of rock against rock (that'd be me against the road) resulted in a very minor concussion (where was that helmet I'd only just pledged to wear every ride??), a brutally tenderised hip and thigh, a very broken rib and some surface and sub-surface road rash. Oddly enough, with exception to being taken out of commission for everything fun and interesting, it's the chafing scabs and bruising that is irritating me the most, lol. So typical. Other than snapping in frustration at every little thing (sorry, Hubby), I'm quite relieved to sustain injury to a solid bone rather than a joint. Two months til I can climb back on. Bummer.

Now, if only I could stop laughing at the toddler's antics...


  1. ouch! I've had broken ribs and after the collar bone I think it is the most painful. Hope you heal up and feel better soon.

  2. one of my first thoughts was "i bet the collar bone would hurt more" - lol! soft tissue damage has all but healed and now just the bone. much easier moving around and even back to work this week! yay!

  3. Yikes Hailie! I hope that you are recovering well. Would love to talk to ya one day soon.
    Take care,
