The pair of new horses have arrived, had their feet trimmed, been dewormed and just yesterday, integrated into the main herd. Busy week for them! Below is the 4 year old Canadian Mare, of Quebec breeding stock. She's an entirely different creature than what we see through Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Just poetry standing stock still and one gorgeous nature on her.

Her herd mate is a rather boisterous Quarter Horse in his teens, rather tall and lean like her. He's also quite pretty, though very territorial over his ladies - he's already claimed the skinny grey mare, to which I think Bill was rather relieved. He takes his responsibilities of herd protection seriously but she never had a moment's interest in him.

Speaking of grey mares, the fat one is expanding by the minute. She's bagged up. We're all waiting anxiously to see who arrives and hoping for a nice morning suprise. This will be her 4th baby and we really have no desire to wallow in the experience of birthing ourselves. She's got 2 acres of grass all to herself - plenty of room to safely deliver, we hope.

And just cause he's such a camera ham and I adore him:

Before hubby left for his extra-long weekend (and after this photo), he helped me nail Max's feet down as well as I ever have - read: he held the lead rope and backed him over top of me a couple of times, lmao! I'd say three more trims and Max'll be steady enough to park a milk crate under so I can save my back! He's really come a long way from the dancing prankster of last year.
No baby yet?? How about pictures of your sexy new gear!?