Been having some fun here & there, but for the most part, things have been limited to quiet arena rides. Have moved up to a simple leverage snaffle and see much more response from poor Maximost. He really is an incredible partner to have and I can't seem to help getting frustrated with the brick wall that remains wedged between our communication efforts. I'm thinking of backing right off this winter... bareback pad riding (think we've outgrown our latest saddle), oodles of groundwork via some guru I can dig (Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling, maybe?)... see if I can find that connection I crave where thoughts become acts before you ask while riding. It may be beyond us, but I'll sure give it my all.
Ran into some local Fjord breeders and drummed up the courage to talk with them. I am SURE glad I did! They were amazing folks, with none of the distain I've learned to duck from when encountering breed purists. It's become reflexive to wince while I inform people of what kind of horse I have. I absolutely adore this creature for a multitude of reasons, the least of which is his funky, cartoon-character build. I can't wait to get a cartoon tattoo of him! Turns out, many of his temperament traits can, as I susptected, be traced to his stockier relations.
Anyhoo, some fun pics of the recent camping trip the hubby and I made:

The weather was right up our alley - cool enough that the only part of you sticking out of the sleeping bag (your nose, hopefully) was icy cold while the rest of you awoke in the coziest flannel nest of a sleeping bag! The days warmed up enough that for the most part, we had almost too many layers on. Not much water to be found on the trails this year, though we did manage to fjord (pardon the pun) one ankle-deep rapid. Actually, remembering the details, we fjorded while our scairt horses tumbled and plunged over the VAST 2 foot gap with the most strenuous of leaps. Pffft. Still chaps my ass that we had to dismount to end the impasse! Other than that one time, I did also have to do a lot of pulling my saddle back forward after any fun hill work. Good practice for the beast to stand still and calm on the trail while I flounder up there.
Big deamy sighs all week as the reel in my brain lives over moment after blissful moment. Yay for another fabulous fall vacation!