
Well, OK... 1/2 Norse. He's a Quarter Horse/Norwegian Fjord cross.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last Week

Was the big 3 year anniversary with the hubby today so I took the hit to my riding schedule. This is a shot from last week, when only two of us showed. Took along a boarder and her horse. We weren't sure what to expect from her old girl but she did remarkably well with everything. Max was his usual fun self and I got to try out my new 'Webbers' - low profile stirrup leathers made by Wintec. They're designed to remove that lump sensation that is, with some saddles, present under the inner thigh. Gotta say, I'm totally impressed. My not-so-comfortable-for-me saddle is now something I don't want to get out of. WELL worth ebay's $30. *wink*hint*wink*

Other than that, we've just been plunking around the yard and in the pasture bush. It's good to work on everyone's balance and comfort level in uber deep snow and the trees are great for bending your horse around, limbering up that lateral response. Nothing like a solid tree coming at your kneecap to motivate YOU to get them off your leg - lmao!

To cap off a gorgeous day with the hubby, we went out in the black of night to visit the ponies. This would be the first time I've approach Maximus in the dark bush on a crisp evening. He was his usual mellow and friendly self. No skittish, sketchy behaviour at all, which would totally be excused considering the conditions. I just LOVE THIS HORSE!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Picture Post!!!

Glorious sunny day full of clean, fresh snow... what else can you do with these fuzzy beasts but snap shots?!

First, the Fuzz-Miester... can even squeak under the electric fence into the skinny corral with all that hair! Durnit, we're going to have to figure out how to keep this little chunk monkey away from the Increased Ration Corral!

Standing tied like a GOOD boy!
All three of our boys, patiently waiting to have their pedicures...

Some pasture shots, this one of Checkers the Shetland gelding and Big Ol' Bill in the background.

The Chunky Princess herself, Frosty with little Noah in the background...

Maximus sharing some time with 7 month-old Noah.

Master Max, his afternoon snooze inturrupted.

Having a good stretch and roll before getting up.

And he's up and Oh So Handsome! (Okay I might be bias.)